
  • Poria | Fu Ling

    Anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce inflammation in the intestinal lining and improve the digestive and immune functions of the intestinal ...
  • Licorice | Gan Cao

    An adaptogen, antibacterial, antidepressant, antidiuretic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, antitussive, antiviral, expect...
  • Dragon Eye | Longan

    This fruit has long been used to reduce pain and swelling, break fevers, and aid digestion. It’s also reportedly effective in treating fatigue, app...
  • Astragalus | Huáng Qí

    With immune-supporting and antiviral properties, studies have shown using this herb as a daily supplement can help to prevent colds and other respi...
  • Atractylodes | Baizhu

    As an adaptogen, this herb helps fight the emotional and physical effects of stress and has been shown to reduce inflammation and inflammation-rela...
  • Pinellia Rhizome | Zhi Bàn Xià

    Pinellia Rhizoma refers to the tuber of Pinellia ternate Breit that possess a wide range of health benefits when properly processed (ginger-fried t...
  • Schisandra | Wǔ Wèi Zi

    As an antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective therapy, when taken orally it is an effective treatment for ...
  • Aucklandia Root | Mu Xiang

    Radix Aucklandia, also known as costus, refers to Saussurea’s roots or Aucklandia lappa in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The main bioactive compoun...
  • Rehmannia

    There isn’t enough existing scientific study into the medicinal use of rehmannia to be able to say for certain how or why it has certain effects on...
  • Tuber Fleeceflower

    Generally speaking, Fleeceflower derivatives may be taken by mouth to fight the physical and cognitive signs of aging as the effects of this herb ...
  • Siler Root

    Fang Feng, also known as Saposhnikovia divaricata, refers to the root of siler used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The roots contai...
  • Turkey Tail

    Turkey tail is a type of medicinal mushroom that has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat a variety of conditi...
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